Me…A christian blogger..Who'd-a-thunk-it? GOD!

Tag Archives: husband

I rolled out of bed this morning a little on the late side. I woke up thinking.. Gee, I haven’t posted a blog in awhile. Funny how things happen in a day. I was overcome with the need to pray this morning. I had a very thankful heart that had this insane desire to speak to God and thank him personally for everything he has done and is doing in my life.

When I first met my “soon to be husband” we went on a very extreme spiritual walk together. We felt God moving in everything around us, and we knew that God himself had put us together. He told me early on that ” you need to get a passport, because God said you need one.” Well I will admit I scoffed it off a little because I hadn’t exactly been an avid traveler. (matter of fact I had never ventured passed 4 states.)
At any rate this morning I had a fire lit under me to go get a passport.

So I went to get one….

From there interesting things began to happen….

I walked in to the post office and sat waiting for awhile. A little while later a man and his family came walking in, and this man was humming non-stop. You could tell he was joyful and happy inside. The kind of happiness that only peace and comfort through God can give you. I minded my own business as they sat across the room.

Within 10 minutes this man walked over to me and said he had been praying for me since he walked in. He asked if he could share a scripture with me that God had given him – and immediately I said yes.


He read that scripture to me and had a little more to say. He explained that God has his eyes on me and that I have something special to do. He called me royalty. I never thought about myself as royalty, but I guess we all are since we are descendants of a king. It reminded me of Shelly Wilson’s song: Did you know. If you don’t know Shelly, here is the link to her ministry.

I smiled, using him, God showed me that I was on the right track. Apparently it was long overdue to get a passport. I was next in line, so with that word – I got up and started the process. As I reached in my wallet to pay the fee – someone came up from behind me and placed a 100 dollar bill on the table.

It was that same kind gentleman that had given me a word from God earlier. I was perplexed. No one had ever given me money, especially of that magnitude before- and more so from a perfect stranger. You will recall from my earlier blog my trouble with finances lately ULTIMATE SACTRIFICE. GOD IS GOOD! The gentleman told me that God told him I needed it.

As I left, I went over to that gentleman one more time and thanked him and asked him about the 100.00 bill. He explained that GOD had given him word earlier that his passport would be paid for him. He said when God told him to give me that 100.00 he did it. Immediately following his act of obedience, his wife called and said she just received a 200.00 check that was unexpected. In gambling I would say he made out pretty well by doubling his investment through Gods request.

I inquired more about him. He said he was a missionary from this area, and he had been trusting God 100% in his finances. He explained that for a family of 5 it can be tough at times, but also he had a joy in his face telling me that God has provided. Then he began to recite Matthew 5:26-34

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me (He watches me)
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches (I know he watches)
(I know he watches me)

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me (He watches me)
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me (He watches me)
He watches me (I know he watches me)

I left that post office and thanked God for that blessing. The last words that fellow said to me was “I’m investing in your ministry”. I never even thought of myself having a ministry. I guess if we look up the definition it is SERVING. So I guess I do have a ministry. Thank you to the gentleman, (I didnt even get your name) and Thank you to a God that meets real needs.




I never really thought of it before. When I was looking for a husband, I didn’t seek Gods advice. I never even thought it mattered much. I had assumed that whosoever walked in my life, and things went well, and he met certain check boxes in my “needs” category – I was good. And that must’ve been a Godsend, right?! Well then… Amen and halelujah!!


First of all, my first check box now is to make sure he is a godly man. His soul needs to be saved and purified by God. I never really realized that in order for a man to truly give love – they have to have first received love from God himself. You can’t give love if you never knew love – Gods pure love.

Secondly, I will not merely rely on chance meetings and coincidence. I won’t will a relationship to succeed – I will pray it through. I will not pray the same either. I will pray “God, your will be done” and I will not pray “make this happen” “make so-and-so love me.” Those prayers within themselves are foolish.

Thirdly, I will take Gods will for me and compare it to Gods will for them. Is there anything to work with? I mean, If I know God wants me to start a ministry in Minnesota and have 5 children, I certainly wouldn’t persist in seeing a man who is sterile and lives in eastern Asia. I mean, you get the point here.

God is first this time go around. I will treat things differently, especially any man after my heart.

I have no problem waiting for the right man, at the right time, at the right place, and under the right authority.

