Me…A christian blogger..Who'd-a-thunk-it? GOD!

Tag Archives: check

Hey guys! It’s been a little while since I have updated you on my tithing report. Let me just start by saying, GOD IS SO GOOD! I have been tithing now since the first of the year, and at first I did it because I thought I was supposed to. Now, I can’t wait to write that check for the offertory. I have been tithing the last month when it hurt the most. AND IT HURT BAD!

When your tithe check is more than you end up with to live off for the week..It’s tough!

But faithfully I gave, because I made a promise that I would.

You guys may or may not know, that I have had a house on the market now for a year. Since divorce struck, making a mortgage payment has been hard on a single income, but I was managing (somewhat). I have been praying my heart out that the house would sell, and that single thing would free me financially from the burden of living paycheck to paycheck.

This morning I was in my car on the way to work, worshiping God. I love that Mary Mary Song, and Mandisa song:

Well here I am, broke as a slick nickel, praising God in my car on the way to work. Did I mention I had just gotten paid the day before and had 100.00 to my name for a week and a half? Mind you.. I had written my tithe check and wasn’t backing out.

This evening I received a call………………… My house has a buyer! A cash buyer! And the contract is signed as of today!


“Get these shackles off my feet so I can dance….”
Whoooooo hoooo! My God Rocks!

I plan on spending of the remainder of the evening basking in the good news and dancing.


Shackles Song <—- For your enjoyment 😉



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (NIV)



Anyone else out there an incessant check-list checker off-er? You know what I mean.. We make a list and can’t wait to check that task off as done. It gives us a sense of pride and purpose once we see how todays list is checked off and tomorrows is halfway done already. Anyone else? C’mon…..admit it!

How about the new thing now-a-days where churches give out sermon notes with that bullet list of the songs they will sing, the message of the day, guest speakers- Et cetera… Dang those things, I have to check those off too to make sure everyone is in line with the pamphlet. It’s a problem, I know, its my crazy- I will deal with it. Good or bad, it’s who I am, and some others will brave forward and say “omg, me too!” (or not… )



Can you imagine God’s checklist?! I can’t even fathom his to do list. I do however know that I am on that list – luckily I’m not checked off yet. I do sit and ponder all my family members in heaven that have been God’s finished project and checked off to go home. I was thinking how they got called to heaven once they are completed by God. A project that was beautifully created, and wonderfully made, and the beauty God must see in the incomplete works he has. Could a checkbox that’s not complete be a beautiful thing??


Knowing that we are the miry clay and he is the potter that cannot wait to shape that ‘mess-o’-mud’ into a beautiful piece of art with our fathers name engraved on it. How nice is it when you complete a project and you can’t wait to sign your name to it?Something that you can be proud of and have pride in…

God has a few of my family members in heaven that have been checked off. A work in progress, that finally completed the task, the growth, the mission if you will. I can only imagine how one checkmark can lead to several other ‘to do’ tasks for God. Go with me here for a moment. If it werent for my grandparents checkmark – my parents wouldn’t be to-do’s. And if it weren’t for my parents – I wouldnt be a to-do..and so on down the line….IMAGINE..

Philippians 1:6

New International Version (NIV)

6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


God isn’t finished with me yet.
