Me…A christian blogger..Who'd-a-thunk-it? GOD!

Tag Archives: crazy

At some point, you guys are going to start thinking I’m making these stories up. However I warn you before I go any further – these are real. Tonight another really amazing thing happened to me and I can’t wait to share it!

Yesterday I had an hour to kill in between appointments so I decided to take a stroll in a department store browsing. I had been looking for a wedding dress for months, and not just any dress would do. LET ME TAKE A MINUTE TO EXPLAIN WHY

Remember I mentioned the visions I had been seeing? One of which was my wedding. My soon-to-be had seen the exact same vision, however where I only saw him, he only saw me. He explained the dress he saw to a very specific detail, he drew that dress on a napkin for me a couple months ago, and I have been obsessed with finding it every since. I knew it existed somewhere because God showed it to him, and it was burned so vividly in his mind.

I had searched so hard for this dress! So many ways in google and bing that my head was exploding. I had searched catalogs, bridal magazines, local shops, and I was at a dead end. UNTIL……

I snapped a picture of a dress I saw at this department store and picture messaged him on his cell phone. I continued looking, because I didn’t think it was quite the right dress. He got back to me 30 minutes later and said “thats it” in caps. After I got the text message my phone blew up with phone calls from him. Well… I had already left the store. Matter of fact, I was 10 mintutes away so I popped a U-turn in the street and went back to get that dress (which they only had one of by the way.)

I pulled in, ran into the store like a mad-woman and went to the spot I found it. GONE! I panicked. I walked every isle thinking someone put it down somewhere else (after all it had only been 30 mins!) I even went so far as to see if anyone else was holding my dress – and I had decided I was going to buy them out to have that dress! I peeled every dress one-by-one until I was sure that it was gone. I asked every person on the floor about that dress and insisted they check in the stockroom, because I wasn’t leaving without that dress! Unfortunately, the dress was, in fact, gone – with no others to replace it.

I WAS DISHEARTENED. I made the phone call, and told him..

That night he got home from work and insisted we go back to the store. I insisted that I didn’t want to go back because I knew it wasn’t there- nor was there anymore coming. He was adament. So I digressed and went along preparing for yet another disappointment.

We got to the parking lot, and he prayed. In his prayer he said “Let us find the right dress, the one you showed me, and put it in my hand Lord, Amen”. I looked over at him, and smirked. We walked in. We went to the dresses.

BAM! There was that dress. Not just one, but four of them in each size.

I had an Oh my God! moment just then. My eyes were the size of golf balls when I said “those dresses were NOT there, I checked!”

I grabbed the dresses, rushed to the fitting room, and tried it on. I found one that fit, walked out, and I knew. His face said it all. After 10 minutes he uttered “That’s it!”

So I believe that dress was meant to be. He saw it, God provided it. If I had found it earlier in the day, it wouldn’t have been this great testimony to what God can do with a little faith and prayer. I now own the wedding dress that my hubby saw in his vision months back. How amazing is that story?! It is almost too surreal to believe. However, if God is for us who can stand against us?


Well tonight was quite an eventful evening. I decided to come home after work and go watch a movie and have dinner like a mini-mid-week date night. Well after watching  Wrath of the Titans (I do not recommend it btw) we went to dinner. That is where all the fun happened! I’m sitting across the table from my date, and we are having casual, random conversations.Then all of the sudden, he closes his eyes to pray. (Granted I thought it was a little odd because we pray when the food comes, not generally before I smell it coming out of the kitchen)..

But at any rate, I rolled with it. I noticed he prayed an awful long time, but I felt it would have been rude of me to interrupt. So I sat, waited, watched, huffed *once.  After that he looked up and said “God is on me”. I didn’t look at him like he was crazy because I know how God shows up, but I was perplexed not knowing what he was showing up like that for.

I ended up eating half my meal alone because he went to the car to take the phone call. At any rate, I just sit here and think about it. Who would have thought that God would show up before dinner prayer? Before Sunday. It reminded me how we forget that God is all around us all the time. I have spent so much time calling out to him here lately, that I probably wouldn’t hear him call me because my line would be busy. I was a little jealous tonight when he got the call from God, the holy spirit of God, and I was left wanting. Then again, I sit here and realize that the call wasn’t for me this time. This situation reminds me of the Brookshires Holy Ghost experience….Ohh Ohh.. I have my next Blog!!


Whether it is written or verbal, God’s word never lies.

I was thinking about something that was told to me in a church service a few months back. I visited a church that had a so-called “prophet” visit. This prophet had a word for me during that service.  Granted, I am initially leery about these types of people, I sensed a sincerity in this one. (Mainly because she wasn’t a FOR PROFIT PROPHET,  and you don’t find many of those.) Anyways, I had been seeing visions for several months prior to actually coming in contact with her at that service. She walked right up to me and said these words:

“These things you are seeing, they are just the smoke compared to a burning fire that is behind it. You will be used to preach to nations.”

I took her words at face value, said thank you, and went on my merry way. I immediately got back into my car, wrote her words in my journal I had been keeping and went on.  I thought about how silly that woman was! Thinking I would preach to nations..Ha! Does she even know she was telling that to a girl who has been to a total of 4 states?! (none of which are above the Mason Dixon line by the way). Plus I don’t even own a passport to go anywhere!  ME?! I AM GOING TO PREACH TO NATIONS??! Ha.. Maybe she was a little off her rocker. Maybe her wires got crossed that day…….

This weekend it hit me like a ton of bricks..


Three months after I met that prophet, I got a word to “write”. Not sure what I was supposed to write about, I just started blabbering away, and thought I would try my hand at blogging. Needless to say, here I am now and I seem to have developed a small following. However small, my blog has allowed me to reach nations. NATIONS! Hear that? It’s God saying I TOLD YOU SO. Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Yes…All things ARE possible. This blog has followers from Asia, Saudi, Iran, China, Cuba…Just to name a few. I am humbled as I sit here in amazement looking at what God did. He gave me a message, and delivered the truth after my obedience of following through.

Looking back……..Has God ever asked me to do anything that was status quo? He never called me to act sanctimoniously. No, he asks the incredible, the unheard of, the unimaginable, and often times insane. What my earth-bound body perceives as crazy, God deems achievable, attainable, and conquerable.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

I was thinking out loud today and I noticed I was saying some pretty interesting things. I can only hope it was God talking through me, and not my own crazy meandering thoughts drifting aimlessly in thin air. However, I got hung up on human emotions. I was given the words “made in Gods image” and putting two and two together…I immediately jumped to my computer and started tacking away on the keyboard..

God must be pretty awesome. Just think of how we are made. Such complex silly creatures. I got to thinking about all the human emotions and traits there are. There are a lot of emotions and traits! Think about it.. Happiness, sadness, joy, grief, grumpiness (seven dwarves come to mind.) squirrel on the paper! eek! backspace. (if you know me that last line will get you in the gut)


However, the point of it all is how awesome God is. He too experiences the emotions we experience it is only magnified 10x. Imagine Love. Wow, doesn’t love for us feel amazing? One of the most powerful human emotions. (faith hope and love, the greatest is love..)
Think about anger. Another really powerful one. I dont know about you but I never liked making mom or dad angry. Imagine Gods fury and anger. Multiplied 10x. I would rather keep god happy personally. Think about a sense of humor. God is funny. Really funny. How about the trait of romance? God is a true romantic. I’ve only just recently learned this about him.

Did you ever think about the fact that God has a face? He has a nose! I mean, how else could he smell the aromas of the burnt offerings in old testament? It’s so exciting when you start discovering how close we really are made alike him. It says we are made in his image, yet we tend to think of God as this “far off star trek deep space 9 creator of all creature”… He is like us in every way. Rather, we are alike him. He made us that way.

When someone tells you that God knows your hurting. He does. When they say God feels your pain. He does. He knows every spectrum of human emotions because he built us that way – in his image -and he himself feels them also. I don’t think I ever really thought much about it before. But the lightbulb came on in a huge way, and I have to say I am excited about this. Really excited.