Me…A christian blogger..Who'd-a-thunk-it? GOD!

Tag Archives: wilting

I am so fed up with these celebrities and scientists. They think they have the whole world figured out, and assuredly they do not. What the heck is all this scientology bull crap? I mean, really?! Scientology sounds a lot like yoga to me. You medititate (empty thinking, not focusing on God) and expect your power to be unlocked like some game code. Seriously? Too much Matrix watching I presume.

L. Ron Hubbard, I would hate to be you one second after death, when the truth will be revealed to you. I have gotten to the point that I wont even support those celebrities anymore by watching their films or such. Why line satan’s army pockets with my hard earned cash? I would much rather see my money end up somewhere useful. These scientists, that have decided that their brains are just going to get them everywhere. That one zen-ful day their brains will just short circuit and they will fall to the earth forever as nothingness. Bull flippin’ crap!

How can people that are so smart and intellectual be so stupid? Hey there scientist, that little voice in your head that you call a conscience…uh, where do you think that voice comes from?

Contemporary scientists in ethology, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology seek to explain conscience as a function of the brain that evolved to facilitate reciprocal altruism within societies. Attempts have been made by neuroscientists to locate the free will necessary for the veto of conscience to operate in a measurable awareness of an intention to carry out an act that occurs about 350–400 microseconds after the electrical discharge known as the ‘readiness potential.’ Jacques Pitrat claims that some kind of artificial conscience is beneficial in Artificial intelligence systems to improve their long-term performance and direct their introspective processing.Antonio Damasio considers conscience an aspect of extended consciousness beyond survival-related dispositions and incorporating the search for truth and desire to build norms and ideals for behavior.

Yea, Yea, Yea…It’s not at all your little spirit man inside talking to you and showing you right from wrong..nah…couldn’t be.

The New Testament concept of conscience is more individual in nature and is seen in three major areas. First, conscience is a God-given capacity for human beings to exercise self-evaluation and critique. Paul refers several times to his own conscience as being “good” or “clear” (Acts 23:1, 24:16; 1 Corinthians 4:4). This tells us that Paul examined his own words and deeds and found them to be in accordance with his morals and value system which were, of course, based on God’s standards. His conscience verified that they were in accord with those standards and were, therefore, blameless.

Second, in the New Testament conscience is consistently portrayed as a witness to something. Paul refers to the Gentiles as having consciences that bear witness to the presence of the law of God written on their hearts, even though they did not have the Mosaic Law (Romans 2:14-15). He also appeals to his own conscience as a witness that he speaks the truth (Romans 9:1), that he has conducted himself in holiness and sincerity in his dealings with men (2 Corinthians 1:12), and that his conscience tells him his actions are apparent to both God and the witness of other men’s consciences (2 Corinthians 5:11).

Third, conscience is portrayed as a servant of the individual’s value system. An immature or weak value system produces a weak conscience, while a fully informed value system produces a strong sense of right and wrong. In the Christian life, one’s conscience can be driven by an inadequate understanding of scriptural truths and can produce feelings of guilt and shame disproportionate to the issues at hand. Maturing in the faith strengthens the conscience and applies its promptings to issues of greater consequence in the Christian life.

This last function of the conscience is the issue Paul addresses to the Corinthian church regarding the issue of eating food that had been sacrificed to idols. He makes the case that since idols are not real gods, food sacrificed to them is nothing. But some in the church were weak in their understanding and believed that such gods really existed. Eating food that had been sacrificed to the gods would have horrified them because their consciences were formed by the erroneous prejudices and superstitious views that often accompany spiritual immaturity. Therefore, Paul encourages those more mature in their understanding not to exercise their freedom to eat if it would cause the consciences of their weaker brothers to condemn their actions. The lesson here is that if our consciences are clear because of mature faith and understanding, we are not to cause those with weaker consciences to stumble by exercising the freedom that comes with a stronger conscience.

Sometimes I just want to download a virus into those peoples’ software and re-program my own program into them! If they knew what I knew, they surely wouldn’t be scoffing at God. All I can say, is God have mercy on their souls.

In Texas we have a law…. When I first moved here and read it, I laughed out loud. I thought to myself “I LOVE TEXAS!” It’s a no BS kinda state. The law states that IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS THE LAW. Which means, to not know what the laws are, is breaking a law! How great is that?!!!

Lord just forgive these people because they reallly ‘know not what they do’. I can only hope that people like myself in the world will open them up to another way of thinking. Not opinions, not secular thinking, but the truth of your gospel and law. Guys, all I am saying is don’t believe the counterfiets that are out there. You can pick up a science fiction book all day long and enjoy the read. However, no book has ever been written with more authority, and God’s own breathed words on paper than the Holy Bible. I hope you choose the right book to read. Your soul depends on it.



One of CJ’s last attempts to save our marriage was a simple, single rose delivered to my house. At first, I didnt want it. I left it outside on the doorstep where it was delivered for a day, then eventually I brought it inside. I walked by that rose this morning and God spoke to me.

This is what he said:

Child, that rose sitting on your table was beautiful, but you have ignored it. You have walked by it several days now, not paying it any attention. It means nothing to you. The water is almost gone out of it, the stem needs trimming and sunlight cannot reach it so it can flourish. If you neglect that rose long enough, it will wilt and die. Never to be brought back to its fragrant, intended beauty.

You were like the rose.

You were so beautiful a person in the beginning of your marriage. Your pedals were shiny and perfectly arrayed. Your fragrance was lingering and sweet. Yet you were not given proper light. You did not get proper attention. You were in someones care that didn’t know how to nurture and properly care for you. There you began to wilt. I brought you back to life just before your final pedal fleeted and fell to the floor. I gave you water, love, and the attention you needed. I knew your needs, and I met them so that you could grow and flourish again. I brought you back to life. Now flourish. I am caring for you now.

Wow. Thanks God.
